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All questions answered.

Sure you have many questions.
We give you the answers, and if we should tell you more - let us know!

Pine Tree Villa

​Cyprus Time

Where is this amazing villa?

How about renting a car?

How much is airport transfer?

What's the cost of living?

What currencies are accepted?

Shops and restaurants usually accept credit cards and electronic cash (Maestro). Cash is generally accepted in Turkish Lira, Euro and British Pounds. No guarantee that you receive your change in the same currency which you paid with, especially in small shops, so it comes in handy to have the exchange rate in your head. Here's a currency calculator
A newly opened bank with a 24/7 ATM is located close-by in Esentepe village center.
Note that for technical reasons, and as it happens in every country, some cards do not work at Supermarket check-outs. So, it's always better to carry some cash on you.
ATM's work with all major cards, without problems.

Are there poisonous animals?

Do I need a visa?

How do we get there?

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